2019 Fall meeting minutes
dpa_fall_meeting_minutes_20191027.docx | |
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DPA Fall Meeting 2019
27 Oct 2019
Board members present: Doron Almog, Eric Macklin, Jamie Pierce, and Karen Lowery
Board members absent: Lisa Jacobs, Mike Margossian, Larissa Khouw
Doron called meeting to order at 5:12 pm and presented the agenda:
New attendee at 17 Knollwood Ln, Mary Marshall from 5 Knollwood Ln.
Karen recapped the DPA Fun Run/Walk, noting the first-place finish by Geoff Getz, his third winning finish of the DPA 5K. Katie Merrifield of Wayland was the first-place female finisher. Doron and Nava Almog were noted as winners of their age groups. Karen thanks contributions from members of the Board, Bob and Linda Smith, Tom Klem, Lynn Dowd, Inez Garrant, and Mike and Christopher Lowery.
Jamie offered the DPA's heartfelt thanks for her many years of essential service to DPA organizing the Fun Run/Walk, contributing hours and hours each year. Doron echoed the substantial efforts Karen made in helping pass along the myriad details required to run the event.
Jamie presented an update on the DPA finances, the preliminary accounting for 2019. He noted in particular the substantial increase in sponsor revenue for the Fun Run/Walk this year, a total of $20,742, including more from corporate and individual sponsors. After factoring in registration revenue and expenses, the DPA netted $19,071 as of the time of the meeting. Jamie described the DPA's history of reimbursing the Town of Wayland for 25 cent/dollar spent on weed maintenance of Dudley Pond. Based on the approved budget for 2019, the DPA has paid the full $15,000 approved for Town reimbursement. He noted that we are expecting that an additional $7,500 would be required if the DPA were to reimburse the Town at 25 cents/dollar given the large expenses spent for Pond weed maintenance, $60,620 for use of ProcellaCOR over roughly 50% of the Pond plus $27,900 in expenses for mechanical harvesting of millefoil prior to chemical treatment and mechanical harvesting of tape grass later in the season over roughly 40% of the Pond. Mike noted that the Surface Water Quality Committee spent down the special fund to which the DPA donations are held close to zero. He noted that the SWQC had to request transfer of $45,000 from the special fund this year. Currently, budgeting for the SWQC is complicated by the Town fiscal year running from July to July, which splits between two weed control years. The Town is pursuing a new budgeting system to better accommodate the fluctuating expenses associated with weed control. A motion was made to spend above the previously approved budget to reimburse the Town at a 25% rate up to $7,500. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote. Mike suggested that the letter accompanying the donation cc Lea Anderson, the SWQC liaison on the Board of Selectman.
Jamie presented the proposed DPA budget for 2020. Ann Drouileax asked about donations to the Milfoil Fund. Jamie noted that the current presentation placed all Friends of the Pond donations as Fun Run/Walk donations while noting that all checks that indicated a contribution to the Milfoil Fund in a separate accounting. Molly Upton suggested soliciting uniquely for the Fun Run/Walk and for a Weed Control Fund. A motion was made to accept the budget as proposed. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
Jamie noted the interest of two members to serve as Members at Large: Tim Dreher and Naomi Deutscher. A motion was made to hold a special election to elect Members at Large for a 6-month term. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote. A motion was made to accept the slate of Tim Dreher and Naomi Deutscher. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
Mike Lowery presented the SWQC Annual Report. More effort was required for weed management this year than any previous year. A new chemical, ProcellaCOR, was used, but getting approval for its use was complicated by late approval by the State and extra approvals required from Town Boards. . Mike noted that the use of ProcellaCOR includes a three-year guarantee. To reduce fragmentation of milfoil, harvesting was delayed until chemical treatment was effective. Full treatment of the selected area of the Pond was delayed by a requirement from the Conservation Commission to split the treatment in two and demonstrate after the first half that oxygen levels in the water column were not reduced. The delay in mechanical harvesting led to greater need for harvesting of tape grass. Tape grass has spread extensively. While only 4 days of harvesting was required in 2018, 14 days of harvesting was required in 2019. In response to a question about when it would be best to treat tape grass, Mike noted that different depths of water result in different dates that a given area would best be harvested. To reduce risk to swimmers and boats, it is important to harvest prior to growth of the twisted flower stalks. The harvested weed was handled by the Dept of Public Works, ultimately composting at Cavacchio's. Molly suggested that a letter be written from the DPA to the DPW to thank them for assistance with handling the harvested weed. Mike suggested that the letter be directed to Tom Holder. Doron identified that a letter has been written thanking the DPW for a range of assistance they have provided, including street patching and cleaning ahead of the Fun Run/Walk. Tree Ogletree suggested that the DPA write a Thank you letter and publish it as an open letter in the Town Crier. The Trophic State Index ranged from 335 to 55, somewhat higher than the previous 3 years but less than the 5 years before that. Questions were asked about possible control methods for tape grass. Mike noted that he has resigned from the SWQC following mishandling of evaluating his conflict of interest. Mike recommended that the SWQC might be appointed by the Recreation Commission rather than the Board of Selectman. Mike noted that a small harvester manufactured by Weeders Digest could be purchased for roughly $100,000 with associated trailer and fittings. Additional expenses would result from storage, operation, maintenance, and repair. Mike recommended renting any harvester for a season prior to any purchase. Mike noted that the Weeders Digest harvester could be used in a variety of ways for milfoil, tape grass, and floating algae.
Doron acknowledged the enormous time and effort that Mike has expended on behalf of the Pond. The membership expressed its thanks for his years of service on the SWQC.
Karen Fahrner of 28 Castle Gate Rd identified encroachment of vegetation onto Mansion Beach. She invited volunteers to assist her in forming a committee to plan for revitalizing Mansion Beach. She can be contacted at [email protected] or 508-647-3198.
John and Lynn Darack offered remembrances of two Pond residents who recently passed away: Peter Gossels and Warren Daniel.
The minutes from the 2019 Spring Membership meeting were displayed. A motion was made to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Eric Macklin
27 Oct 2019
Board members present: Doron Almog, Eric Macklin, Jamie Pierce, and Karen Lowery
Board members absent: Lisa Jacobs, Mike Margossian, Larissa Khouw
Doron called meeting to order at 5:12 pm and presented the agenda:
- DPA Fun Run/Walk update by Karen Lowery
- Presentation of Thanks to Karen Lowery
- DPA Budget for 2020 by Jamie Pierce
- Election of new Members at Large
- Approval of the minutes from Spring General Membership Meeting 2019
- Update on weed management by Mike Lowery
- Enhancement of Mansion Beach
New attendee at 17 Knollwood Ln, Mary Marshall from 5 Knollwood Ln.
Karen recapped the DPA Fun Run/Walk, noting the first-place finish by Geoff Getz, his third winning finish of the DPA 5K. Katie Merrifield of Wayland was the first-place female finisher. Doron and Nava Almog were noted as winners of their age groups. Karen thanks contributions from members of the Board, Bob and Linda Smith, Tom Klem, Lynn Dowd, Inez Garrant, and Mike and Christopher Lowery.
Jamie offered the DPA's heartfelt thanks for her many years of essential service to DPA organizing the Fun Run/Walk, contributing hours and hours each year. Doron echoed the substantial efforts Karen made in helping pass along the myriad details required to run the event.
Jamie presented an update on the DPA finances, the preliminary accounting for 2019. He noted in particular the substantial increase in sponsor revenue for the Fun Run/Walk this year, a total of $20,742, including more from corporate and individual sponsors. After factoring in registration revenue and expenses, the DPA netted $19,071 as of the time of the meeting. Jamie described the DPA's history of reimbursing the Town of Wayland for 25 cent/dollar spent on weed maintenance of Dudley Pond. Based on the approved budget for 2019, the DPA has paid the full $15,000 approved for Town reimbursement. He noted that we are expecting that an additional $7,500 would be required if the DPA were to reimburse the Town at 25 cents/dollar given the large expenses spent for Pond weed maintenance, $60,620 for use of ProcellaCOR over roughly 50% of the Pond plus $27,900 in expenses for mechanical harvesting of millefoil prior to chemical treatment and mechanical harvesting of tape grass later in the season over roughly 40% of the Pond. Mike noted that the Surface Water Quality Committee spent down the special fund to which the DPA donations are held close to zero. He noted that the SWQC had to request transfer of $45,000 from the special fund this year. Currently, budgeting for the SWQC is complicated by the Town fiscal year running from July to July, which splits between two weed control years. The Town is pursuing a new budgeting system to better accommodate the fluctuating expenses associated with weed control. A motion was made to spend above the previously approved budget to reimburse the Town at a 25% rate up to $7,500. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote. Mike suggested that the letter accompanying the donation cc Lea Anderson, the SWQC liaison on the Board of Selectman.
Jamie presented the proposed DPA budget for 2020. Ann Drouileax asked about donations to the Milfoil Fund. Jamie noted that the current presentation placed all Friends of the Pond donations as Fun Run/Walk donations while noting that all checks that indicated a contribution to the Milfoil Fund in a separate accounting. Molly Upton suggested soliciting uniquely for the Fun Run/Walk and for a Weed Control Fund. A motion was made to accept the budget as proposed. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
Jamie noted the interest of two members to serve as Members at Large: Tim Dreher and Naomi Deutscher. A motion was made to hold a special election to elect Members at Large for a 6-month term. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote. A motion was made to accept the slate of Tim Dreher and Naomi Deutscher. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
Mike Lowery presented the SWQC Annual Report. More effort was required for weed management this year than any previous year. A new chemical, ProcellaCOR, was used, but getting approval for its use was complicated by late approval by the State and extra approvals required from Town Boards. . Mike noted that the use of ProcellaCOR includes a three-year guarantee. To reduce fragmentation of milfoil, harvesting was delayed until chemical treatment was effective. Full treatment of the selected area of the Pond was delayed by a requirement from the Conservation Commission to split the treatment in two and demonstrate after the first half that oxygen levels in the water column were not reduced. The delay in mechanical harvesting led to greater need for harvesting of tape grass. Tape grass has spread extensively. While only 4 days of harvesting was required in 2018, 14 days of harvesting was required in 2019. In response to a question about when it would be best to treat tape grass, Mike noted that different depths of water result in different dates that a given area would best be harvested. To reduce risk to swimmers and boats, it is important to harvest prior to growth of the twisted flower stalks. The harvested weed was handled by the Dept of Public Works, ultimately composting at Cavacchio's. Molly suggested that a letter be written from the DPA to the DPW to thank them for assistance with handling the harvested weed. Mike suggested that the letter be directed to Tom Holder. Doron identified that a letter has been written thanking the DPW for a range of assistance they have provided, including street patching and cleaning ahead of the Fun Run/Walk. Tree Ogletree suggested that the DPA write a Thank you letter and publish it as an open letter in the Town Crier. The Trophic State Index ranged from 335 to 55, somewhat higher than the previous 3 years but less than the 5 years before that. Questions were asked about possible control methods for tape grass. Mike noted that he has resigned from the SWQC following mishandling of evaluating his conflict of interest. Mike recommended that the SWQC might be appointed by the Recreation Commission rather than the Board of Selectman. Mike noted that a small harvester manufactured by Weeders Digest could be purchased for roughly $100,000 with associated trailer and fittings. Additional expenses would result from storage, operation, maintenance, and repair. Mike recommended renting any harvester for a season prior to any purchase. Mike noted that the Weeders Digest harvester could be used in a variety of ways for milfoil, tape grass, and floating algae.
Doron acknowledged the enormous time and effort that Mike has expended on behalf of the Pond. The membership expressed its thanks for his years of service on the SWQC.
Karen Fahrner of 28 Castle Gate Rd identified encroachment of vegetation onto Mansion Beach. She invited volunteers to assist her in forming a committee to plan for revitalizing Mansion Beach. She can be contacted at [email protected] or 508-647-3198.
John and Lynn Darack offered remembrances of two Pond residents who recently passed away: Peter Gossels and Warren Daniel.
The minutes from the 2019 Spring Membership meeting were displayed. A motion was made to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Eric Macklin
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