2013 meeting minutes
DPA Fall Membership Meeting
October 27, 2013z
Board members in attendance: Jamie Pierce, Doron Almog, Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Wayne Kelley. 30 DPA members in attendance.
The Fall Membership meeting was called to order at 5:10pm. Lisa Jacobs read the minutes from the Spring meeting and those minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurers Report
Jamie Pierce presented the Treasurer’s report. We made a $3,000 profit this year and the endowment fund has $95,658. Our target is $100,000 at which point the by-laws allow us to use those funds.
A motion was made and seconded to transfer $4000+ from the operating fund to the endowment fund to reach the $100,000 threshold, and it was approved unanimously.
The budget has mostly remained the same as last year. Postage and other expenses went up, but the D & O insurance liability went down. A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report and approve the 2013-2014 budget. It was approved unanimously.
Mike Lowery presented the state of the pond: the milfoil removal and treatment efforts. We have been working with SWQC to stay on top of the milfoil treatment and we are in good shape for now.
BY-LAWS changes
Judy Currier and Jack Peters reviewed the by-laws. The changes include:
Added to Article 1: The operational year is from January to December.
Streamlined wording in 2nd paragraph or Article 2: "Cooperate with government agencies, community agencies and other pond and lake associations to create…"
Article III Membership - 2nd part of life membership category - removed "members name inscribed on Life Member Plaque."
Article V, 2nd para - change "Individual member may ask…" to "Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive Board or by any officer upon written application of three or more members."
Article VI, added to Section 1 Executive Board: "The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by the Executive Board, who shall have and may exercise all the powers of the corporation, except those powers reserved to the members, the articles of organization or these by-laws."
Section 2 Financial Management, 4th para: assets shall be distributed by the executive board… Specifically all assets will be donated to the Surface Water Quality Committee of the Town of Wayland for programs for the benefit of Dudley Pond. If that choice is not available, then assets will be spent by the Executive Board for the benefit of Dudley Pond.
Section 4: Committees - under Nominations Committee, add "shall be appointed by the Executive Board after each fall meeting and shall present a slate……"
Article VII Endowment Fund: After the first sentence, remove the rest of the paragraph and replace it with "The Executive Board may submit requests for expenditures from this fund to the membership which must be ratified by a 2/3 vote of the voting members present at a special or general meeting."
There was a motion, which was seconded, to approve the by-law changes. There were 2 nay votes, and the motion passed.
A new membership committee was formed to resurrect the Welcome Packet and help get more neighbors involved in the DPA. Linda Smith, Arlene Pollak, Gayle Archimbault, Nyanna Tobin, Grace Olin and Marcia Filiurin volunteered.
Fun Run
Karen Lowery showed pictures from the Fun Run and thanked all the race coordinators.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
October 9, 2013
Board members in attendance: Wayne Kelley, Doron Almog, Bob Smith, Jamie Pierce
The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm.
Annual Fall Membership Meeting
The logistics for the spaghetti dinner were discussed, along with the agenda for the meeting. Items on the agenda include:
An update from Mike Lowery on the WSWQC's weed control activities this past yearA Fun Run report from Karen LoweryTreasurer's ReportProposed 2014 Budget, subject to membership votethe By-law revisions approved by the Board at last month's Board meeting, subject to 2/3 membership voteJamie reported that the annual report due to the State Secretary's office has been sent in.
Bob reported that the plaque for the Elliot Pollack bench has not been ordered yet.
There was a brief discussion of the report on the Fun Run due to the USATF, and Jamie said he would take care of it.
There was a brief discussion of renewing the DPA's membership of MA-COLAP, and it was decided that we would do so. Jamie will take care of it.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Pierce (for Lisa Jacobs)
DPA Board Meeting
September 9, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley, Jamie Pierce.
Other DPA members: Karen Lowery, Linda Smith, Judy Currier, Jack Peters
The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm.
By-Law Committee
Judy Currier and Jack Peters have been working on revisions to the DPA by-laws since the Spring Meeting. Judy reported that they drew on mutual experiences with other non-profit organizations, and saw a need to keep our by-laws up to date with current practices. She went through the deletions and additions. There was a lengthy discussion of the various changes, and the Board suggested a few minor changes. The Board voted to approved the Committee’s revision including the Board’s changes. The by-laws must be approved by a two-thirds vote at a Membership meeting. We will present the revision at the Fall Meeting in October. The revised by-laws will be posted on the website, and a link to them will be included in the Fall Newsletter.
Elliot Pollack Bench
Bob Smith reported that the bench had been installed. The memorial plaque will be installed at a later date. The installation job was done pro-bono by a Pond neighbor. The Board voted to purchase a $100 gift card for him as a thank-you. Bob will take care of that.
Bob Smith expressed deep concerns about the condition of Lake Shore Drive near 122 Lake Shore, considering the upcoming Run/Walk. That property is under construction, resulting in a rough gravel road surface. He suggested changing the race course to avoid that area. After a discussion of the pros and cons, especially the logistical difficulties on race-day that changing the course would cause, the Board voted to keep the course the same.
2013 Run/Walk
Karen Lowery walked the Board through her detailed checklist of tasks to make sure that all of them had volunteers assigned to them.
The Fall Newsletter was discussed, and various articles were planned, including a President’s Letter, DAAC Update from Steve Garone, SWQC Update from Mike Lowery, a short piece on the By-Laws revision by Judy Currier, and a report of the Run/Walk. Jamie will do the layout and get it to the printers. The goal is to have it out by October 5th.
The Fall Meeting will be held on Sunday October 27 at 5:00pm at the Senior Center.
Judy agreed to speak about Elliot Pollack and the memorial bench at the Run/Walk.
A discussion took place of how to get more Pond neighbors involved as volunteers, and names of a few possible new volunteers were suggested.
The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday October 9, and Wayne Kelley’s.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Pierce for
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
August 5, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley (at the helm), Jamie Pierce. Guests: Grace Olin, Karen Lowery, Hilla Almog
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm. The minutes from the 6/10 meeting were read and approved.
Elliot Pollak bench
The bench was approved by the Rec. Dept. The town has no money for the installation so Bob Smith’s neighbor has agreed to do the installation for $300. The cost of the bench is $850. The DPA board had previously approved $1000 for the bench. There will be additional expenses, including a plaque, and we have received contributions specifically for the bench. However, to cover the cost of the installation, there was a motion to spend an additional $300 ($1300 total). The motion was seconded and the board approved it unanimously.
Bob will order the bench and we will install it in September.
The Pond and Surface Water Quality (SWQ)
SWQ sent us an invoice for the DPA portion of weed control, 25% of $8511.
Fun Run
We have 32 raffle sponsors, 23 “Friends of the Pond”, and 45 corporate sponsors. Reimer & Braunstein will not be renewing their sponsorship after the 2013 Fun Run. Bob Smith will write a letter acknowledging their 7 years of sponsorship.
The flyer folding party will be on Thurs Aug. 8 at the Lowery’s. In Oct., we will have a pot luck to thank the sponsors.
The Recreation Dept will be making a recommendation to the Town Selectman to keep Dudley Woods as a recreation area with no houses at this time.
Next meeting will be 9/9 at Bob Smith’s house.
The boat returned at 8:30pm
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
June 10, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley, Jamie Pierce. Guest: Gail Shapiro
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm.
Gail Shapiro, representing the Cochituate Village Neighborhood Association has asked the DPA to be their fiscal agent until they obtain a 501(c)(3) for themselves. The board discussed this and a motion was made and seconded to NOT get involved. The vote was unanimous.
Elliot Pollak bench
Steve Garone and Bob Smith will make a presentation to Parks & Rec. on June 17. An approval for the bench is expected.
The Pond and Surface Water Quality (SWQC)
SWQC is meeting on 6/13 and will vote on doing a spot treatment for Dudley Pond soon. An RFP was sent out to spot treat an additional 18 acres later this year.
Fun Run
Online registration is now available. Our paperwork with the USATF has been submitted. Karen and her sponsorship team have received many repeat sponsorships so far.
DAAC was unable to reach a unanimous decision about the future use of Dudley Woods. They will present the results of their efforts at a Recreation Dept. meeting to determine the next steps.
Jamie Pierce and the Dirty Water Brass Band will do their Dudley Pond Concert tour on July 27 from 4-5pm.
Next meeting will be 8/5 on Wayne Kelley’s boat.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
May 13, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley, Jamie Pierce. Guests: Grace Olin
The meeting was called to order at 7:50pm. The minutes from the April 15 meeting were read and approved unanimously.
The Newcomers Pot Luck Dinner
We have 25 new families in the community and several have RSVP’ed. All logistics are being coordinated by Lisa Jacobs and Linda Smith.
Elliot Pollak bench
Steve Garone needs to make his final presentation to the Parks & Rec. committee. Bob will follow up with him.
By Laws Committee
Jamie Pierce will follow up with Judy Currier and Jack Peters who agreed to review and update the current DPA bylaws.
The Pond and Surface Water Quality (SWQ)
Bob has invited some of the Wayland Town Selectman to take a tour of Dudley Pond on Wayne Kelley’s boat. No one has responded yet.
DPA Archives
Jamie has photos, old newsletters and other Dudley Pond history. Doron talked about digitizing the photos. First step is to organize all DPA stuff as part of developing a new membership packet and starting a membership outreach program. Stay tuned.
Dudley Pond regulations
Inquiries at the Spring Meeting and via email has brought up a few issues regarding access to the pond and use of rafts and floating docks in the pond. Grace Olin brought a copy of some of the regulations.
Ice Cream Social
The Fathers Day Ice Cream Social, is on track for June 16 from 1-3pm. Roger Weigand will provide the music if the weather cooperates. Lisa will publicize it and do all the planning.
New business
Bob would like to board to approve an endorsement of Ted Fiust’s work to be placed on Ted’s website. The board approved it unanimously.
The Memorial Day Parade will start at 11am on Monday May 27 at the Middle School. Bob & Jamie will be marching under the DPA banner. Lisa will send out an email invitation to the membership to join them and the unicycling LaClaire’s.
Next meeting will be 6/10 at Doron Almog’s house. The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Spring Membership Meeting
April 28, 2013
Board members in attendance: Jamie Pierce, Doron Almog, Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Wayne Kelley. 30 DPA members in attendance.
The Spring Membership meeting was called to order at 5:45. Lisa Jacobs read the minutes from the Fall meeting which were unanimously approved.
The DPA board would like to review the by-laws. Judy Currier and Jack Peters agreed to chair the committee and will report back to the board. The final revisions will be brought up for a vote at the fall meeting.
The Newcomers Potluck dinner will be held on Sun. May 19 at 4:30 at the Smith’s house. There are over 25 new families in the DPA watershed.
After a 3 year break, The Ice Cream Social is back and will be held in conjunction with the kickoff to the Wayland 375 celebration. The event will be on Fathers Day, June 16 from 1-3pm at Mansion Beach.
Jamie Pierce presented the Treasurer’s report and discussed the investment of the endowment and operating funds. A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report and approve the budget, and it was approved unanimously.
Mike Lowery presented the state of the pond: the milfoil removal and treatment efforts. We have had limited success with the hand pulling efforts thus far and will need more aggressive treatment measures this summer. The funds have been allocated.
At the last DPA members meeting, $1,000 was approved toward the Elliot Pollak bench. Steve Garone has been reviewing the plan with the Rec. Dept. Bob Smith will get the bench at cost and a neighbor will install it gratis. The final approval and placement will come over the summer.
Karen Lowery and her team have begun the DPA Fun Run sponsor solicitation.
Bob Smith led a general discussion about the state of Lake Shore Drive: the traffic speed on the stretch between Mansion Road and Simpson Road; the number of dangerous potholes all along Lake Shore Drive; the sand buildup; and other frustrating observations that need to be addressed by the Town of Wayland and the selectman. There are some issues that Mike Lowery, in his DPW role, can address. Since the upkeep of Lake Shore Drive should be the responsibility of the town, there is ambiguity about who really is responsible. The discussion ended with the hope that we can bring it up at the planning board meeting and get the selectman involved. An ongoing suggestion by the DPA members is to have the selectman take a tour of Dudley Pond- both on water and on land.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
April 15, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley, Jamie Pierce. Guests: Karen Lowery, Grace Olin, Mike Lowery
The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm. The minutes from the March 4 meeting were read and approved unanimously.
The Newcomers Pot Luck: Bob Smith will not be around but Linda will host the event on Sun. 5/19. There are 25 newcomers to the pond. Maria Filiurin will give Lisa Jacobs the list and addresses and Lisa will send them invitations.
D & O Insurance
Before renewing our Directors and Officers (D & O) insurance, Jamie Pierce provided information about competitive rates and also questioned the need for the insurance at all; it covers the liability as a result of the DPA officers’ decisions but not any activity liability. There was a discussion that resulted in the board continuing with the current insurance for another year while we research whether there is a true need for this type of insurance for an organization like ours. A motion - to renew the D & O insurance this year - was made and seconded and voted unanimously.
The Pond and Surface Water Quality (SWQ)
Mike Lowery has been cruising the pond and getting reports from Alison LaClaire about milfoil growth this spring. We will need to treat it more aggressively this summer. Mike will report his progress at the spring meeting. We would like to invite the 3 new selectman to tour Dudley Pond to better understand it, and Wayne offered his boat.
Fun Run
Karen Lowery kicked off the Fun Run planning season with sponsorship forms to give out.
Spring Meeting The Spring Meeting and Spaghetti dinner will be Sunday, 4/28. The agenda will include reports by Mike Lowery and Steve Garone; Board Elections, the Fun Run and Upcoming social events. Wayne will provide the fixings. Lynn Dowd will bring the DPA merchandise, Lisa will get the $25 food permit required, and Mike will ring the visual aids.
Ice Cream Social
The Fathers Day Ice Cream Social, June 16 from 1-3pm will be one of the first Wayland 375 Celebration events. They will help publicize it and provide information at the event. We will try to get Roger Weigand and his Carousel back, and come up with additional events. Lisa will organize the event and was given a $250 budget.
The next meeting will be May 13 at Lisa Jacobs’ house.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
March 4, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley, Jamie Pierce (by phone). Guests: Karen Lowery, Grace Olin, Linda Smith
The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm. The minutes from the Feb. 4 meeting were read and approved unanimously.
Elliot Pollak Bench
Bob Smith described the bench in detail and its placement. No date has been set yet.
The Pond and Surface Water Quality (SWQ)
Mike Lowery has sent out RFPs to several groups to bid on spot treating the pond this spring. He will report his progress at the spring meeting.
Fun Run
Karen Lowery discussed the complexities of teaming up with The Wayland 375 Celebration committee to co-sponsor the Fun Run. She will discuss this with Mary Antes.
Spring Meeting and Newsletter
The Spring Meeting and Spaghetti dinner will be Sunday, 4/28. The agenda will include reports by Mike Lowery and Steve Garone; Board Elections, the Fun Run and Upcoming social events. The Board is requesting new members to step up to board positions, although the current slate of officers has agreed to remain for another year if no other candidates step forward. Bob will collect articles and pictures for the newsletter and Jamie will get it printed.
Other/New Business
Bob Smith will attend a 4/2 meeting of the Foundation for MetroWest and report back.
The D & O Liability insurance is being renewed and a typo showing the wrong deductible has been corrected. Jamie reminded the board that this policy doesn’t cover the Fun Run and we have been getting separate liability coverage for the Fun Run every year.
Instead of co-sponsoring the Fun Run with the Wayland 375 Celebration Committee, the board would like to recommend that we team up with them for the Ice Cream Social. There will be more opportunities for additional events, e.g. getting Charles River Canoe & Kayak to provide us with boats for the pond; historic or fitness walks around the pond, kids races, etc. A motion to co-sponsor the Ice Cream Social with the Wayland 375 committee was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Lisa will contact Mary Antes.
The Newcomers Pot Luck dinner will be held on Sun. 5/19 at Bob & Linda Smith’s house.
The next meeting will be April 15 at Wayne Kelley’s house.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary
DPA Board Meeting
February 4, 2013
Board members in attendance: Bob Smith, Lisa Jacobs, Doron Almog, Wayne Kelley. Guests: Karen Lowery, Sue & John Flanagan
The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm.
Elliot Pollak Bench
Bob Smith and Steve Garone received final approval from the Park & Rec. Dept. The “trex” bench will be embedded on a slab of concrete, and will include a memorial plaque.
The Pond and Surface Water Quality (SWQC)
Mike Lowery has indicated that we will need more aggressive milfoil treatment this year. Ted Fiust and Alison LaClaire will assess the situation and probably recommend that we spot treat at least 10-12 acres with triclopyr this spring.
Fun Run Karen Lowery reminded the Board that the 17th annual Fun Run will be Sept. 22. The Wayland 375 celebration committee wants to co-sponsor the event and add some additional activities. Karen will coordinate with Mary Antes of the 375 Committee.
Bob Smith reported that the final report is in the works and we’ll hear about the committees findings at the Spring meeting.
Concerned citizen’s letter about Fun Run sponsorship guidelines
Bob Smith wrote a letter to this citizen explaining the DPA’s guidelines re: sponsorships. No response has been received.
Other/New Business
We need to renew the D & O Liability insurance and Jamie will take care of it.
We are considering reinstituting the Ice Cream Social this year, though not necessarily on Fathers Day. Lisa Jacobs volunteered to organize it.
The Newcomers Pot Luck dinner will be held on Sun. 5/19 at Bob & Linda Smith’s house.
The Spring Meeting and Spaghetti dinner will be Sunday, 4/28. We’ll collect articles for the semi-annual newsletter. Doron Almog is looking into doing the newsletter electronically.
The next meeting will be March 4 at Bob Smith’s house.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jacobs, Secretary

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