Septic tanks filter through the soil and eventually effect the water table and Dudley Pond. By being conscious of what we place in our septic systems, we can help keep the Pond clean and healthy.
- Do pump every two to three years depending on use
- Do have system inspected at time of pumping
- Do keep sump pumps, runoff, etc. off leaching area
- Do use biodegradable detergents & cleaners
- Do avoid phosphates
- Do use single ply non tinted tissue
- Do space water use throughout the day
- Do conserve water and install low flow devices
- Do Not use Septic Tank Cleaners
- Do Not put coffee grounds, oils, grease, or chemicals down the drain
- Do Not put eggshells down the drain
- Do Not put hair, plastic, sanitary products, or cigarettes down the toliet
- Do Not use garbage grinder (Use compost or trash) or pump yearly
- Do Not plant trees or shrubs over leaching area
- Do Not drive heavy equipment (including cars) over leaching area
Hazardous Products Alternatives
Silver Products Soak in Boiling water, baking soda, salt and a piece of aluminum
Oven Cleaners Baking soda and water
Toilet Cleaners Toilet brush and baking soda; mild detergent
Disinfectants 1/2 cup borax in 1 gallon of water
Drain Cleaners Plunger; flush with boiling water, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 2 oz. vinegar
Rug and Uphoistery Cleaners Dry cornstarch sprinkled on rug - vacuumed up
Floor and Furniture Polish 1 part lemon juice, 2 parts olive or vegetable oil
Bleach Cleaners For laundry, 1/2 cup sodium hexametaphosphate per 5 gallons of water
Mothballs Cedar chips, newpapers, lavendar flowers
Pool Chemicals Ozone or ultra violet light systems
Amonia-based cleaners Vinegar, salt and water mix for surfaces. Baking soda and water for the bathroom
Abrasive Cleaners or Powders Rub area with 1/2 lemon dipped in borax - rinse dry
Source: League of Women Voters of Wayland, Natural Resources Committee
Silver Products Soak in Boiling water, baking soda, salt and a piece of aluminum
Oven Cleaners Baking soda and water
Toilet Cleaners Toilet brush and baking soda; mild detergent
Disinfectants 1/2 cup borax in 1 gallon of water
Drain Cleaners Plunger; flush with boiling water, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 2 oz. vinegar
Rug and Uphoistery Cleaners Dry cornstarch sprinkled on rug - vacuumed up
Floor and Furniture Polish 1 part lemon juice, 2 parts olive or vegetable oil
Bleach Cleaners For laundry, 1/2 cup sodium hexametaphosphate per 5 gallons of water
Mothballs Cedar chips, newpapers, lavendar flowers
Pool Chemicals Ozone or ultra violet light systems
Amonia-based cleaners Vinegar, salt and water mix for surfaces. Baking soda and water for the bathroom
Abrasive Cleaners or Powders Rub area with 1/2 lemon dipped in borax - rinse dry
Source: League of Women Voters of Wayland, Natural Resources Committee